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CNB Explains: Are CNB officers only involved in catching drug abusers and traffickers?

08 Dec 2022

No, CNB officers are also involved in preventing drug abusers from relapsing and reoffending by supervising drug offenders who have been served with Supervision Orders (including Enhanced Direct Supervision Orders – EDSO, Youth Enhanced Supervision – YES, as well as those who have been released from DRC.).

These drug offenders who have been served Supervision Orders are known as supervisees and are required to report to CNB for mandatory urine tests. These tests deter drug relapse and help detect relapse early for more successful interventions to help them kick the drug habit. The supervision order is for five years and applies to all ex-drug offenders arrested after 1 August 2019.

Find out more about supervision for youth abusers and adult abusers.

Apart from urine tests, what else do CNB officers do with supervisees?

During the mandatory check-in or reporting at CNB, apart from conducting urine tests on the supervisees, CNB officers would take note of the needs of supervisees.

By helping supervisees access assistance through referrals to appropriate social and welfare agencies, CNB officers support supervisees in their reintegration into society and help them to stay drug-free.

CNB officers are trained to be case managers?

CNB officers are taught evidence-based approaches to help assess the needs and identify the interventions required by supervisees. These approaches have been found to be effective at reducing recidivism. Officers are also trained how to guide their supervisees to ensure that they are able to effectively engage them and prevent them from falling back into drug abuse.