
CNB Explains: What happens after a suspect is arrested for a drug offence?

CNB Explains: What happens after a suspect is arrested for a drug offence

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CNB Explains: What happens when the suspect is a young person?

CNB Explains: What happens when the suspect is a young person

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CNB Explains: Where do youth drug abusers go when caught?

Drug abusers may be placed directly on the Drug Supervision Scheme or admitted to the Drug Rehabilitation Centre (DRC) for treatment and rehabilitation.

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CNB Explains: Are CNB officers only involved in catching drug abusers and traffickers?

We are also involved in drug supervision which plays an important role in ensuring that drug abusers stay drug-free in the long run.

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CNB Explains: Where do adult drug abusers go when caught?

Drug abusers may be placed directly on the Drug Supervision Scheme or admitted to the Drug Rehabilitation Centre (DRC) for treatment and rehabilitation.

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