About 1kg of Heroin seized in CNB operation on 24 October 2017

24 Oct 2017

  1. In the pre-dawn hours of 24 October 2017, Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB) officers arrested a suspected drug trafficker – a 52-year-old male Singaporean – at the traffic junction under the Woodsville Flyover.

  2. A small amount of ‘Ice’ and cash amounting to S$2,400 were found on the suspect. A search of the bicycle which the suspect was riding on, led to the recovery of about 1kg of heroin and 25g of ‘Ice’.

  3. The estimated worth of the drugs seized in this operation is about S$107,000.

  4. Investigations are ongoing. The Misuse of Drugs Act provides for the death penalty if the amount of diamorphine (or pure heroin) trafficked exceeds 15g. 15g of diamorphine is equivalent to 1,250 straws*, which is sufficient to feed the addiction of about 180 abusers for a week.

* This is estimated using a typical purity level of 4%, based on drug seizures in recent years. The number of straws that are actually made may vary according to the purity level of the heroin used in the straws.

24 OCTOBER 2017

Photo 1 (CNB): Heroin, ‘Ice’ and cash seized in CNB operation on 24 October 2017.

Heroin Ice and cash seized in CNB operation